
Agnieszka Witkowska


Business Development | Strengthening and developing leadership

Email: agnieszka.witkowska@balonowarepublika.pl
Tel.: +48 504 399 734

  • Agnieszka has many years of experience in developing and implementing HR strategies, employer branding and employee experience activities, as well as extensive experience in the development, design, implementation and delivery of training and development strategies in the professional services industry.
  • She has previously worked for a Big Four firm and a Polish recruitment agency.
  • She is skilled in building and developing long term development, training, succession, empowerment and skills capability programmes.
  • Within the company, she is responsible for developing HR strategy, strengthening and shaping organisational culture and building and strengthening leadership and talent capability.
  • She acts as a professional business coach, mentor and trainer, delivering workshops and training to strengthen ‘soft’ skills.
  • Works as a psychologist and TSR therapist.

She is a:

  • Certified Coach – ACC ICF Level and EMCC Senior Practitioner,
  • DISC D3 Certified Consultant,
  • Certified MBTI Consultant,
  • Certified FRIS Trainer.