Lukasz Szatkowski prostokat

Łukasz Szatkowski


Real estate | Real estate tax | Cost segregation

Mob.: +48 570 898 499

  • Expert in the area of property tax.
  • He specializes in verifying the correctness of tax settlements for industrial plants, logistics centers and municipal companies.
  • Has experience in accounting for investment projects for industry according to the cost segregation procedure – reallocation of fixed assets and assigning them the optimal depreciation rate for income tax purposes.
  • He supports Clients in overpayment and control proceedings conducted by local government tax authorities.
  • Selected projects:
    • identifying and recovering for the client a several million zlotys tax overpayment as a result of proceedings before The Supreme Administrative Court concerning land in an area devastated and degraded by emissions;
    • participation in a cost segregation project for an investment worth more than 1 billion zlotys involving the construction of a new power plant unit;
    • tax review of RET settlements for a utility municipal client preceding the submitting of more than a dozen overpayment refund claims worth several million zlotys.
  • 2006 | Master’s studies at Poznań University of Economics, field of study: economics
  • 2013 | Post-graduate studies at WSB Merito University in Poznań, field of study: financial analysis
  • 2009 | Post-graduate studies at the Leon Koźmiński Academy of Management in Warsaw, field of study: tax law
  • Languages: Polish, English