AI – Artificial Intelligence

Solutions using artificial intelligence (AI) have become a reality and are increasingly impacting our lives. Importantly, they will have an increasingly significant impact on the way tax settlements are conducted in organizations, e.g. by introducing data analysis tools that will use AI-based solutions. The AI ​​revolution will also influence the shape of currently adopted business models, in which the human factor will be gradually replaced with digital solutions, which will force fundamental changes in the tax system.

How can we help you?

AI is an instrument that can influence every tax aspect – from the solutions used within the company that shape the way taxes are settled, to the nature of the benefits offered and the shape of business models.

If you are planning to start using AI solutions or offer such solutions, MDDP is ready to provide legal and tax support.

We offer advice at every stage of implementation and evaluation of AI solutions:

  • We will assess the effectiveness , security and  tax consequences of implementing AI solutions;
  • We will analyze the possibility of applying reliefs or exemptions in the field of implemented AI solutions.

Feel free to contact us

Paweł Goś
Paweł Goś

Partner | Tax advisor
T: (+48) 602 704 577

Klaudyna Matusiak-Frey

Senior Consultant | Tax advisor
T: (+48) 503 972 897